Friday, May 18, 2012

I AM (2012)

Ada tiga agency artis yang disebut "The Big 3" di Korea. SM Town, JYP Nation, dan YG Family. YG punya Big Bang dan 2NE1. JYP punya Wonder Girls, 2PM, 2AM, dan Miss A. SM punya TVXQ, Super Junior, SNSD, SHINee, f(x), dan EXO. Dari ketiga agency itu, saya paling suka SM Entertainment. Saya tidak suka Super Junior, tapi saya suka SNSD dan f(x). Oleh karena itu, begitu saya tahu SM Entertainment membuat dokumenter, saya langsung ingin menontonnya.

Film I AM ini merupakan sebuah dokumenter tentang proses yang dijalani para artis SM Entertainment dari mulai masa trainee, debut, sampai sekarang. Ini disajikan dengan cuplikan-cuplikan wawancara beserta cuplikan konser SMTown Live in New York di Madison Square Garden akhir tahun lalu. Saya sebenarnya sudah menonton SMTown Live in New York tersebut, tapi dengan gambar yang begitu tajam dan jernih menontonnya lagi pun tidak masalah.

Saya suka film ini. Film ini terasa sangat personal, dengan video-video yang terasa diambil sendiri oleh para idol dengan selca. Saya suka cuplikan-cuplikan video mereka sebelum debut dan pada saat trainee. Saya suka wawancara Key yang dilakukan di dorm mereka, dengan Minho dan Taemin bermain PS di background. Saya suka footage SNSD pergi ke pantai, yang diselingi dengan footage penampilan SNSD di SMTown live in New York akhir tahun lalu. Semua terasa sangat personal.

Itu mungkin yang diinginkan Lee Soo Man, sang CEO SM Entertainment. Sudah bukan rahasia lagi SM Entertainment terkenal sebagai agency yang membuahkan artis yang sukses namun agencynya itu sendiri tidak berperikemanusiaan. Dengan film dokumenter ini, Lee Soo Man menginginkan SM terlihat seperti keluarga, hangat, dekat, dan personal. Di akhir film ada adegan Lee Soo Man memeluk idol-idol SM Town satu-satu, dengan kesan seakan mereka sangat dekat. Yang bisa saya katakan adalah, I see what you did there Soo Man.

Film ini juga seakan ingin menghilangkan kontroversi-kontroversi yang pernah dialami artis SM. Ada behind the scenes wawancara MTV SNSD di Times Square yang kontroversial, ketika screenshot Yoona dan Taeyeon cemberut dan terkesan tidak profesional beredar. Di film ini diperlihatkan Yoona yang sakit flu, dan Taeyeon yang hampir muntah saat wawancara MTV tersebut berakhir. Ini seakan-akan ingin menghapuskan semua kontroversi tentang kejadian tersebut.

Ada beberapa hal yang tidak ada di film ini yang saya sayangkan. Yang pertama adalah tidak adanya footage TVXQ pada saat debut dan di awal karir. Saya sudah menyangka SM tidak akan menayangkan footage TVXQ sebelum grup itu pecah, namun saya tetap menyayangkannya. Yang kedua adalah tidak adanya anggota Super Junior M (Henry dan Zhoumin). Saya merasa kedua orang itu berbakat, tapi SM tidak memanfaatkan mereka dengan baik. Begitu juga dengan artis SM yang lain yang seakan tidak dianggap ada, seperti Zhang Li Yin, CSJH, dan J-min.

Jika dipikir-pikir lagi, film dokumenter ini tidak menjawab pertanyaan apapun. Pertanyaan tentang kenapa TVXQ pecah dari 5 member menjadi dua, kenapa Amber sempat menghilang setahun lebih, kenapa Hangeng keluar dari Super Junior, bagaimana nasib Kibum dan Kangin di Super Junior. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan tersebut tidak terjawab, karena film ini dibuat memang bukan untuk itu. Film ini dibuat untuk fans melihat idolanya being human, and fell in love with them even more. Dan film ini juga dibuat untuk memberikan kesan SM (dan Lee Soo Man) yang warm dan dekat. Dengan kedua tujuan itu, film ini memang sukses. Namun masih ada setitik harapan saya yang masih membayangkan bagaimana jika film ini berani membahas persoalan-persoalan berat tersebut, dan mencerdaskan penontonnya, bukan hanya menghibur.

Film ini diedit dan dibuat dengan baik dan menghibur. I enjoyed it very much. Packagingnya sangat baik dan membuat kita sejenak lupa bahwa isi dokumenter ini tidak begitu banyak. The documentary is afraid to ask the big questions though. Tapi pada akhirnya, I AM adalah sebuah film yang khusus dibuat sebagai jembatan promosi SM, dan untuk itu, film ini berhasil.

NB : Ada sedikit cameo dari EXO di akhir credit. Bagi fans EXO, tonton creditnya sampai selesai :)

SNSD in Review (Last Part : Repackage Album Opinion)

Sunday, December 18, 2011
SNSD is now done with The Boys promotions. SM is now churning repackage album after repackage album like there's no tomorrow. I'm going to voice my opinion on the numerous repackage albums.

Mr.Taxi 3rd Album Repackage 
Release Date : December 8, 2011

-Comes with 12 postcards, 1 randomly selected photo card, and 1 poster
USD $24.99 (with poster)
-Will contain new images

CD Tracks:
2. The Boys
3. 텔레파시(Telepathy)
4. Say yes
6. 봄날(How great is your love)
7. My J
9. Top Secret
10. Lazy Girl(Dolce Far Niente)
11. 제자리걸음(Sunflower)
12. 비타민(VITAMIN)
13. The Boys(English ver.)

Notice anything new in the tracklist? No? Well, because there's NO NEW TRACKS. AT ALL. The only difference was Mr.Taxi was now track number one instead of The Boys. Oh, and there's The Boys in English, which you can buy on iTunes anyway.  Well, good job milking money SM. Good job.

SNSD in Review (Part IV : Live Performances)

Now I'm gonna review SNSD's live performance for this promotion. First up : The Boys

They actually sound good, and the dance is coordinated as well. I especially love Seohyun's voice here. Taeyeon always sound good, but Seohyun is gorgeous here. Sunny is a bit weak, and her voice tend to crack. But big surprise : Yoona sound halfway decent here. They all look gorgeous, but I hate that blond highlight on Tiffany, and the hat. Besides that, all the other costumes are fierce and I like it.

This is the remix version of The Boys that SNSD performed at Mnet Asian Music Awards. I love it. The girls break into a kick-ass dance halfway through and start singing in English. The costumes are gorgeous as well.

Overall, SNSD performed The Boys 18 times for the usual music shows and 8 for other music shows that I know of. Lately they all seems tired and lack the energy they give off in the beginning of the promotion though. SM, let the girls rest.

SNSD in Review (Part III : The Album)

Okay, now I'm going to review The Boys album. The tracklist is this :

  1. The Boys
  2. Telepathy
  3. Say Yes
  4. Trick
  5. How Great is Your Love
  6. My J
  7. Oscar
  8. Top Secret
  9. Lazy Girl
  10. Sunflower
  11. Vitamin
  12. Mr. Taxi (Korean Version)
PS : The Boys English Version and The Boys English Version instrumental are not a part of the album and can only be bought on iTunes.

The Boys was reviewed already in the previous section, so I'm gonna start with Telepathy.

Not a fan of Telepathy. The Telepathy is pronounced Telepassi (it's the hangul pronunciation). It's a perfectly ordinary pop song, and the girls didn't sound very good either in here. I'm getting bored at the song already.

SNSD in Review (Part II : MV and Title Song)

Now I'm going to review the MV and title song The Boys, both in Korean and English with a special bonus in the end.

First up : MV Korean version

The MV begins with a shot of Yoona being gorgeous, then the members slow motion shot with flower petals dropping on them. It's cheesy, but the dresses are gorgeous. And then the MV change place to one of the place SM loves so much : a white square room. And they dance in it. Good job SM, for recycling the place you used so much on your MV. I love the costumes, I love the fierce dance. I specifically love the part when Yuri drop down to the floor. The dances are great. But dear SM, why did you mess with Taeyeon's hair so much? First there's the two-tone hair on SNSD's Japanese promotion, and now three-tone-hair? And the ugly curly hair from the teaser picture? Besides Taeyeon though, everyone looks gorgeous.

Now let's talk about the song. It's different from SNSD's previous catchy songs no doubt. The first time I hear it, I didn't like it. But without me realizing it, I had put The Boys on repeat on my iPod dozens of times. It's different, with some girls rapping, but I like it. I can do without the overabundance of Jessica's part though, but it'll do. I wished all of the songs on their album is as fierce as this. The MV put special sound effects in the song though like 'wuush' or 'swish' like they did on Super Junior's Mr. Simple. SM, why did you do that? Don't you see that it's cheesy? But besides that, I quite like it.

SNSD In Review (Part I : Teaser Pictures)

First up, I'd like to review their gorgeous teaser picture. SNSD, and other K-Pop idols in general, tend to use different concept for every album or mini album. SNSD have used mannequin, marine, cheerleaders, dark, spy, taxi driver concept, and some other I can't recall. From all of that, I love their photos from the Japanese album the most, because it's like a fairytale and the girls are gorgeous in it. This teaser is as gorgeous as that, but more fierce.

First up is Taeyeon. It's easily seen in here that the concept is some kind of Snow White. Taeyeon is holding an apple, with a Disney Princess-like dress. Taeyeon is one of my favorite SNSD member. I love the concept, but not liking the hair. The curly hair is not good for her.

Sunny is usually full of aegyo, so this is a welcome change for her. She's cute but fierce at the same time. I love the dress, and it can easily be seen that the concept is Little Red Riding Hood. I love this look on her.

SNSD In Review (An Introduction)

I love SNSD. That's not a secret. They're one of my favorite girl groups. So I was looking forward to their 3rd album like everyone else, because I'm expecting something different for them. With the end of the year approaching, I think it's interesting to take a look back at their latest promotions.

I'd like to review the latest SNSD endeavour, starting from the teaser pictures, the MV and title song (both English and Korean), the album itself, the live performance, and lastly my opinion on their numerous repackage albums. Enjoy :)